Social Media Advertising Tips for PMS and LANDLORDS

Property Management Blog

Increasing your brand's visibility has become increasingly relevant in recent years as a result of the increasing use of social media.

Using social media as part of your business strategy can allow you to communicate directly with your tenants, contractors, property managers, and other people in your organization. Social media could allow you to fill your vacant property with tenants.

Share available units

One of the most significant advantages of using social media for advertising is the sheer number of people you're capable of reaching with your posts. If you share information about your units available, your followers are in a position to view it and possibly their friends too.

Some social media platforms permit several photos, which is very beneficial. But, some sites restrict specific quantities of images for each post, like Instagram, limiting ten. In these instances, select the most appealing photos that show off your space, and, in general, you should only upload one image per room.

Build interest when renovating

Keep your followers updated through social media if you are making changes to your rental property. Uploading photos and videos of your progress will create engaging and exciting content, and your fans will love watching your progress.

Engaging your followers can create excitement for the apartments you're creating or renovating. When you've completed your project, you could find prospective tenants who want to relocate.

Mention amenities

If you're trying to increase interest in your properties, posting a blog about the amenities you have available could be an excellent way to do this.

If you organize resident events that use these facilities, such as a pool for residents' parties, for instance, make sure you highlight the fun activities.

To make the most impact on potential tenants, make sure to post on your amenities that are most relevant to your people.

The amenities offered can differ based on location. Still, the most common amenities that renters are looking for are washers and dryers included in the rental unit storage and outdoor space.

Your posts on these facilities are designed to look the way you want them to be yourself! Utilize bright backgrounds and emojis, which will help those posts stick out. Keep your text brief and straightforward, but include an address where they can find more information, for instance, property rental information.

Contact Information

Giving people a way to contact you through your social media pages is an excellent way to stay with prospective tenants. Facebook has the option on its pages for businesses to list email addresses, phone numbers, and more.

Businesses who utilize Instagram typically include a business email address on their bio to allow people to contact them quickly. Thoughtfully provide your contact information.

If you see something they like, how would you expect them to get in touch with you? This is the first avenue they look at to reach you.

Highlight your employees and tenants

Social media is an effective way to assist your tenants in meeting your employees and showing gratitude for your employees. There are many ways you can showcase your employees via social media.

You can make posts about the occasion like birthdays or work anniversaries, along with some basic information and fun details about them. Highlighting your employees can help them feel appreciated and make your brand appear more accessible.

Thanking the tenants you have on social media will make them feel valued, boost your brand's engagement, and help build their trust with your business. It is possible to share the news of the name of a new tenant who's moved by uploading a photo of them at their new residence.

You could also create posts to celebrate tenants' birthdays or other important milestones. Be sure to ask permission from your tenant before sharing pictures of them or posting through social media.

Connect Millennials And Gen Z

Renters of two different generations of social media will be the most in touch with are Gen Z and millennials. Gen Z. Generation Y makes the majority of current renting, but are now moving towards purchasing their own homes and leaving Gen Z to be the next generation to take their place.

Therefore, it is essential to adapt your content to appeal to these generations specifically. It would help if you highlighted the aspects of your unit that are Eco-friendly or smart green.

Because the younger generation is much more active on social media platforms, they are more likely to utilize social media platforms to get to know the stories of their family and friends and then make choices based on that.

Utilizing mobile-friendly websites is an essential argument in your favor because you might be ignored if someone else has an ad correctly formatted.

Profiting from Social Media Ads

Many social media platforms offer the option of letting you pay them for advertising. The ads let you put your message out to an even more significant number of people. However, these ads aren't suitable for everyone, so you need to consider certain things before diving into them.

Do you require a method to ease the burden for tenants? If yes, many ads on social media websites will permit people who see the ad to go to your site directly and, from there, be in contact with you. Sure, such as Facebook, include an option to contact you directly from the ad's listing.

In terms of growing your business, are you doing something about it? If you are looking to increase the number of properties you have under management, You might want to consider advertising on social media as a means of getting attention.

Therefore, it makes good sense for the public to be familiar with you and eager to participate in any event you showcase to the public.


Is there an unusual rental calendar that you have? The rent shows occur before leases are signed, allowing people with academic schedules to make room for renters. This is especially true in towns with college campuses where tenants hold rental shows before signing leases. In addition to reaching your target audience and reminding people to plan these events, social media advertisements can advertise your shows.

If you’d like to talk more about property management, or you need help with Everest Property Management, please contact us at Everest Realty.

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