Resident Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay my rent?
When you decide to sign a tenant agreement with Everest Realty, you will have your personal, unique tenant portal. It allows you to log-in and pay your rent online. One-time payments as well as scheduled regular, monthly account deductions are available. The portal is available 24/7, giving you full time access to your account. Check payment is available as well, by mail or direct dropping at our office.Does your office have an after-hours drop box?
Yes, we do. You can find it by the front door.Do you accept cash?
No, we do not.When is my rental payment considered late?
The due date is on or before the 1st day of each month. Late payment is considered on the 2nd, but late fee is charged only if payment is not made by the 5th day of each month.Will I be charged a late fee if my payment is late?
Yes, if your rent is late your account will be assessed a late fee as per the terms and conditions of your lease. The late fee cannot be waived after it has been assessedHow can I avoid paying late fee?
The only way to avoid late fees is to pay the rent on timeAm I allowed to have pets?
Pet restrictions may occur, depending on the property. Consulting with your agent prior to viewing a property about its pet policy might save you a few hours of your time. Depending on the agreement, unauthorized pets might result in eviction.Who can occupy the property that I rent?
The lease agreement will include all those who are able to occupy the property. Unauthorized residents make probable cause for your eviction. However, you are allowed to have guests. Still, remember that any guest residing for more than fifteen (15) days are considered residents and you must require written permission from the landlord, which we can manage for you.What type of notice is required when my lease is about to expire?
Prior to your lease expiration we will contact you, in the agreed time, with the option to renew the lease. An outline of the renewal terms will be presented to you, to which you can agree or refuse. If you plan on not renewing your please, a written notice is required. You must send it according to the period of notice specified in your tenant agreement.When can the landlord or agent start showing the property after I give my move out notice?
Marketing the property for new tenants will start as soon as your notice of leave is received. However, no showing will be made without a 24 hour notice, and only during reasonable hours. You are still the resident of the property, and your privacy will be respected.I did not have a pet when I moved in; may I have a pet now?
As stated above, the landlord's permission is required. In order for Everest Realty to acquire it, you need to email your Property Manager with the request. If approved, you will sign a pet addendum and an increased security deposit and fee will be charged.Site Links
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Open Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm
Saturday & Sunday by Appointment
Everest Property Management Property Management Palm Coast Property Management
377 Palm Coast PKWY SW, Unit 5
Palm Coast, FL 32137
P: 386.246.2085
F: (386) 986-4665
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